Designer Stubble
JoinedPosts by Designer Stubble
2015 Worldwide Memorial Attendance: Another Sign of Decline
by steve2 injw memorial attendance last year - 2014 - was about 50,000 shy of 20 million.
some posters on this forum had confidently predicted before the 2014 memorial that attendance would hit more than 20 milion.
they were wrong.. now, in 2015, and the memorial falling on a weekend night (where attendance is historically much higher), attendance has not only failed to top 20 milion but has declined by more than 87,000 in attendance over 2014:.
Designer Stubble
There was of course a lot of pressure to attend the 2014 memorial, which was likely to be the last one ever. In 2015, 101 years of Christ's kingdom sounds less exciting. -
No Kingdom Halls would definitely work!
by John Aquila inlast night we were invited to a get-together with quite a few heavies attendingelders and regular pioneers.
there was beer and later some music.
everyone got relaxed and let down their guard and starting talking all kinds of non-theocratic stuff that you only discuss after a few beers.
Designer Stubble
This shows that if the GB were to bring in a sugar-coated manner...most would buy into it - hook, line & sinker -
Awake - February 2015: What do you know about JWs
by Designer Stubble intrue false - 8 questions1 jehovahs witnesses are christianstrue - we are the only true christians.
however, jesus is always secondary to yhwh or yahweh, who we for some reason call jehovah.2 jehovahs witnesses are creationiststrue, we are just not young-earth creationists3 jehovahs witnesses do not believe in doctorsfalse - of course we believe in doctors.
if we can believe in an invisible sky daddy, surely we can believe in the doctor standing before us in flesh and blood.
Designer Stubble
Here you can find their real answers:
1 TRUE. We try to follow closely the teachings and behavior of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:21) However, in a number of ways, we differ from other religious groups that are called Christian. For example, we have found that the Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of God; he is not part of a Trinity. (Mark 12:29) We do not believe that the soul is immortal or that there is any basis in Scripture for saying that God tortures people in an everlasting hell. Nor do we believe that those who take the lead in religious activities should have titles that elevate them above others.—Ecclesiastes 9:5; Ezekiel 18:4; Matthew 23:8-10.
2 FALSE. We believe that God created everything. But we do not agree with many who believe in creationism. Why not? Because a number of creationists’ ideas conflict with the Bible. For example, some assert that the six days of creation were literal 24-hour days. But the word “day” in the Bible can refer to a considerable length of time. (Genesis 2:4; Psalm 90:4) Then, too, some creationists teach that the earth is just a few thousand years old. However, the Bible indicates that the earth and the universe existed long before the six days of creation. 1—Genesis 1:1.
3 FALSE. We do accept medical treatment. In fact, some of us are physicians, as was the first-century Christian named Luke. (Colossians 4:14) However, we reject any treatment that conflicts with Bible principles. For example, we do not accept blood transfusions, because the Bible forbids taking in blood.—Acts 15:20, 28, 29.
Even then, we seek the best possible medical care for ourselves and our families. In fact, blood conservation treatments that were developed to help Witness patients are now being used to benefit all in the community. In many countries, any patient can now choose to avoid blood-transfusion risks, such as blood-borne diseases, immune-system reactions, and human errors.
4 TRUE. We believe that the entire Bible is “inspired of God and beneficial.” (2 Timothy 3:16) That includes both the Old Testament and the New Testament, as they are commonly called. Generally, we refer to these sections of the Bible as the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. In this way, we avoid giving the impression that some parts of the Bible are outdated or irrelevant.
5 FALSE. We use many translations in our study of the Bible. In languages in which it is available, though, we especially appreciate the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures for its use of God’s name, for its accuracy, and for its clarity. Consider the use of God’s name, Jehovah. In the introduction of one Bible translation, there is a list of the names of 79 people who in some way contributed to the production of the translation. Yet, this same Bible omits the name of the very Author—Jehovah God! In contrast, the New World Translation restores the divine name in the thousands of places where it existed in the original text. 2
6 FALSE. When we have discovered that our beliefs were not completely in line with the Bible, we have adjusted our understanding. Long before we started producing the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in 1950, we used available translations and formed our beliefs accordingly.
7 FALSE. Our ministry benefits many in the community. We have helped many people to overcome harmful addictions, such as the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Our literacy classes help thousands around the world to learn to read and write. We also help when disaster strikes by providing practical relief assistance to both Witnesses and non-Witnesses. We try to give the emotional and spiritual support that victims sorely need at such times. 3
8 FALSE. We follow the Bible’s advice to “respect everyone”—regardless of their religious beliefs. (1 Peter 2:17, Today’s English Version) For example, though in some countries there are hundreds of thousands of us, we do not try to pressure politicians or lawmakers into restricting or banning the work of other religious groups. Nor do we campaign to have laws passed that would impose our moral and religious convictions on the community. Instead, we extend to others the same tolerance that we appreciate receiving from them.—Matthew 7:12 -
Awake - February 2015: What do you know about JWs
by Designer Stubble intrue false - 8 questions1 jehovahs witnesses are christianstrue - we are the only true christians.
however, jesus is always secondary to yhwh or yahweh, who we for some reason call jehovah.2 jehovahs witnesses are creationiststrue, we are just not young-earth creationists3 jehovahs witnesses do not believe in doctorsfalse - of course we believe in doctors.
if we can believe in an invisible sky daddy, surely we can believe in the doctor standing before us in flesh and blood.
Designer Stubble
On the number of deaths due to blood transfusion refusal:
1978 - Jonestown massacre left 918 dead...Something everyone still knows more than 35 years later.
This is however more or less the number of Jehovah's Witnesses that die EACH YEAR by refusing Blood.
*I recalculated the numbers myself based on 250k blood transfusions per year in the Netherlands with a population of 17 million and 1% death rate.
Add on top of this the many suicides due to the shunning policy and we have had 50 Jonestown's since 1978. -
Awake - February 2015: What do you know about JWs
by Designer Stubble intrue false - 8 questions1 jehovahs witnesses are christianstrue - we are the only true christians.
however, jesus is always secondary to yhwh or yahweh, who we for some reason call jehovah.2 jehovahs witnesses are creationiststrue, we are just not young-earth creationists3 jehovahs witnesses do not believe in doctorsfalse - of course we believe in doctors.
if we can believe in an invisible sky daddy, surely we can believe in the doctor standing before us in flesh and blood.
Designer Stubble
For Justme2 - May 1, 2008 WT Quote:
*** w08 5/1 pp. 18-22 How Can You Choose a Good Bible Translation? ***
How Can You Choose a Good Bible Translation?
THE Bible was originally written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. So most people who desire to read it must rely on a translation.
Today, the Bible is the world’s most widely translated book—parts of it being available in over 2,400 languages. Some languages have not just one translation but scores of them. If you have a choice in your language, you surely want to use the very best translation you can find.
To make an informed choice, you need to know the answers to the following questions: What different types of translations are available? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each type of translation? And why should you be cautious when reading some translations of the Bible?
From One Extreme to the Other
Bible translations cover a broad spectrum of styles, but they fall into three basic categories. Interlinear translations are at one end of the spectrum. These translations contain the original-language text along with a word-for-word rendering into the target language.
Paraphrase translations fall at the other end of the spectrum. Translators of these versions freely restate the message of the Bible as they understand it in a way that they feel will appeal to their audience.
A third category embraces translations that endeavor to strike a balance between these two extremes. These versions of the Bible strive to convey the meaning and flavor of the original-language expressions while also making the text easy to read.
Are Word-for-Word Translations Best?
A strictly word-for-word translation is often not the best possible way to capture the meaning of each Bible verse. Why not? There are a number of reasons. Here are two:
1. No two languages are exactly alike in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Professor of Hebrew S. R. Driver says that languages “differ not only in grammar and roots, but also . . . in the manner in which ideas are built up into a sentence.” People who speak different languages think differently. “Consequently,” continues Professor Driver, “the forms taken by the sentence in different languages are not the same.”
Since no language exactly mirrors the vocabulary and grammar of Biblical Hebrew and Greek, a word-for-word translation of the Bible would be unclear or might even convey the wrong meaning. Consider the following examples.
In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul used an expression that is literally translated “in the (dice) cube of the men.” (Ephesians 4:14, The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures) This expression refers to the practice of cheating others when using dice. In most languages, however, a literal rendering of this allusion makes little sense. Translating this expression as “the trickery of men” is a clearer way to convey the meaning.
When writing to the Romans, Paul used a Greek expression that literally means “to the spirit boiling.” (Romans 12:11, Kingdom Interlinear) Does this wording make sense in your language? The expression actually means to be “aglow with the spirit.”
During one of his most famous speeches, Jesus used an expression that is often translated: “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” (Matthew 5:3) But a literal rendering of this expression is obscure in many languages. In some cases, a strictly literal translation even implies that “the poor in spirit” are mentally unbalanced or lacking in vitality and determination. However, Jesus was here teaching people that their happiness depended, not on satisfying their physical needs, but on recognizing their need for God’s guidance. (Luke 6:20) So such renderings as “those conscious of their spiritual need” or “those who know their need for God” convey more accurately the meaning of this expression.—Matthew 5:3; The New Testament in Modern English.
2. The meaning of a word or an expression may change depending on the context in which it is used. For instance, the Hebrew expression that normally refers to the human hand may have a wide variety of meanings. Depending on the context, this word may, for example, be rendered “control,” “openhandedness,” or “power.” (2 Samuel 8:3; 1 Kings 10:13; Proverbs 18:21) In fact, this particular word is translated in over 40 different ways in the English edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
Because the context can affect the way a word is translated, the New World Translation uses nearly 16,000 English expressions to translate some 5,500 Biblical Greek terms, and it uses over 27,000 English expressions to translate about 8,500 Hebrew terms. Why this variety in the way words are translated? The translation committee judged that to render the best sense of these words according to the context was more important than to produce a strictly literal translation. Even so, the New World Translation is as consistent as possible in rendering Hebrew and Greek words into the target language.
Clearly, Bible translation involves more than simply rendering an original-language word the same way each time it occurs. Translators must use good judgment in order to select words that present the ideas of the original-language text accurately and understandably. In addition, they need to assemble the words and sentences in their translation in a way that conforms to the rules of grammar of the target language.
What About Free Translations?
Translators who produce what are frequently referred to as paraphrase Bibles, or free translations, take liberties with the text as presented in the original languages. How so? They either insert their opinion of what the original text could mean or omit some of the information contained in the original text. Paraphrase translations may be appealing because they are easy to read. However, their very freeness at times obscures or changes the meaning of the original text.
Consider the way that one paraphrase Bible translates Jesus’ famous model prayer: “Our Father in heaven, reveal who you are.” (Matthew 6:9, The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language) A more accurate translation of Jesus’ words renders this passage: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.” Note, too, the way that John 17:26 is rendered in some Bibles. According to one free translation, on the night of his arrest, Jesus said to his Father in prayer: “I made you known to them.” (Today’s English Version) However, a more faithful rendering of Jesus’ prayer reads: “I have made your name known to them.” Can you see how some translators actually hide the fact that God has a name that should be used and honored?
Why the Need for Caution?
Some free translations obscure the moral standards conveyed in the original text. For example, The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language says at 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10: “Don’t you realize that this is not the way to live? Unjust people who don’t care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don’t qualify as citizens in God’s kingdom.”
Compare that version with the more accurate rendering found in the New World Translation: “What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom.” Notice that the details outlined by the apostle Paul on exactly what kind of conduct we should avoid are not even mentioned in the free translation.
Doctrinal bias can also color a translator’s work. For example, Today’s English Version, commonly called the Good News Bible, has Jesus saying to his followers: “Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it.” (Matthew 7:13) The translators inserted the term “hell” even though Matthew’s account clearly says “destruction.” Why did they do so? Likely, it is because they want to promote the idea that the wicked will be eternally tormented, not destroyed.
Finding the Best Translation
The Bible was written using the common, everyday languages of average people, such as farmers, shepherds, and fishermen. (Nehemiah 8:8, 12; Acts 4:13) Therefore, a good translation of the Bible makes the message it contains accessible to sincere people, regardless of their background. A desirable translation will also do the following:
▪ Accurately convey the original message that was inspired by God.—2 Timothy 3:16.
▪ Translate the meaning of words literally when the wording and structure of the original text allows for such a rendering in the target language.
▪ Communicate the correct sense of a word or a phrase when a literal rendering of the original-language expression would distort or obscure the meaning.
▪ Use natural, easy-to-understand language that encourages reading.
Is such a translation available? Millions of readers of this journal favor using the New World Translation. Why? Because they agree with the approach taken by its translation committee, as stated in the foreword to the first English edition: “We offer no paraphrase of the Scriptures. Our endeavor all through has been to give as literal a translation as possible, where modern English idiom allows and where a literal rendition does not for any clumsiness hide the thought.”
The New World Translation has been printed in whole or in part in more than 60 languages, with a total printing of more than 145,000,000 copies! If it is available in your language, why not ask Jehovah’s Witnesses for a copy and see for yourself the benefits of this accurate translation?
[u]Sincere Bible students[/u] want to grasp and act upon the message that God inspired. [u]If you are such a person[/u], you need an accurate Bible translation. Really, you deserve nothing less.
Awake - February 2015: What do you know about JWs
by Designer Stubble intrue false - 8 questions1 jehovahs witnesses are christianstrue - we are the only true christians.
however, jesus is always secondary to yhwh or yahweh, who we for some reason call jehovah.2 jehovahs witnesses are creationiststrue, we are just not young-earth creationists3 jehovahs witnesses do not believe in doctorsfalse - of course we believe in doctors.
if we can believe in an invisible sky daddy, surely we can believe in the doctor standing before us in flesh and blood.
Designer Stubble
This is the 2016 February Awake, not 2015. Somehow not able to edit my typo. -
Awake - February 2015: What do you know about JWs
by Designer Stubble intrue false - 8 questions1 jehovahs witnesses are christianstrue - we are the only true christians.
however, jesus is always secondary to yhwh or yahweh, who we for some reason call jehovah.2 jehovahs witnesses are creationiststrue, we are just not young-earth creationists3 jehovahs witnesses do not believe in doctorsfalse - of course we believe in doctors.
if we can believe in an invisible sky daddy, surely we can believe in the doctor standing before us in flesh and blood.
Designer Stubble
TRUE FALSE - 8 Questions
1 Jehovah’s Witnesses are Christians
True - We are the only True Christians. However, Jesus is always secondary to YHWH or Yahweh, who we for some reason call Jehovah.
2 Jehovah’s Witnesses are creationists
True, we are just not young-earth creationists
3 Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in doctors
False - Of course we believe in doctors. If we can believe in an invisible sky daddy, surely we can believe in the doctor standing before us in flesh and blood. Talking about which, no we do not take full blood, even though this cost an estimated 50000 deaths since we started disfellowshipping (excommunicating) persons who took a life-saving blood transfusion. New light does allow us to take all fractions though.
4 Jehovah’s Witnesses accept the entire Bible
False - As the revised NWT shows, we have eliminated parts that don’t fit our teachings. For example John 8, where Jesus states “He who is without sin, cast the first stone” has been removed, as persons where using it too often when faced with a Judicial Committee. We can’t have that sort of Christ-like compassion.
5 Jehovah’s Witnesses use only their own Bible translation
True, as the Watchtower of May 1, 2008 points out, witnesses are strongly advised not to use translations other than the New World Translation.
6 Jehovah’s Witnesses changed their Bible to fit their beliefs
True, the whole reason we released a revised NWT is to better fit our beliefs. It was rather embarrassing when it came to light that nobody on the translation committee could read a word of Hebrew or Greek. Even Fred Franz, when challenged under oath in court, had to admit it was all Greek to him.
7 Jehovah’s Witnesses shun community involvement
True, and we also shun our own children, parents or other family and friends. On community involvement, check out the November broadcast on our TV evangelist channel to see how after the typhoon in the Philippines, we only worried about fellow witnesses – and even at that found it more important to make a propaganda film out of it. No, we do not reach out to the community, except for pushing our cult literature, so as to retain our tax exempt status.
8 Jehovah’s Witnesses look down on people of other religions
True, we even refer to them as Babylon the great. All other religions are false and are controlled by Satan the Devil, but we have “the truth”. Jehovah will soon destroy 99.9% of the earth’s population, only we as true Christians will survive. -
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Designer Stubble
Amsterdam, Netherlands -
"Friends" are gone
by BeautifulMind ini have (well had) an extremely small circle of jw friends.
lots of acquaintances and associates but 2 or 3 i would consider my true friends.
that list is now 0. yup, once i told them i no longer believe in the org and haven't for a long time, and their attempts to encourage me thru jw lingo and terminologies to "rely on jehovah" and not to "stray away" failed that was pretty much it.
Designer Stubble
We've all been there. After having been JWs for over 30 years, before the fade was complete, we lost every last JW friendship. In time you will find better friendships. Hang in there. -
CO Comes Up With A New Way To Be Judgemental...
by JW_Rogue inat the latest co visit something very strange happened.
during the meeting with the elders and servants he passed out a copy of a hypothetical publisher card and asked us what we could learn from it.
upon receiving it i saw that the average hours were pretty good, it had return visits and quite a few bible studies.
Designer Stubble
It is never good enough. But don't you leave the magazines with your bible studies?